Microsoft Security Essentials has failed AV-Test, In German security company that focuses primarily on analyzing antivirus software and if the title looks acquainted, it's because it revealed in Dec last year that Windows it failed the test. Obviously, Microsoft was not irritated by the evaluation, and did little to help its ranking since AV-Test is back again with another analysis and Windows Security Requirements continue to be slacking off.
In the latest analysis, which was performed over the month of Dec, Windows antivirus was only able to secure 78% of zero-day viruses strikes. Even though this is a minor enhancement over the last test (in which Security Requirements only obstructed 71 percent), which is still below the market regular of 92%.
While Microsoft was silent last year when it was written about November's analysis in Dec, it's been very vocal this time around, clamming that AV-Test's technique is defective. And its main argument was that the normal Security Requirements customer does not experience the same type of viruses that AV-Test used during the assessment. Joe Blackbird, system administrator for Microsoft Malware Security Middle had written that their evaluation revealed that 0.0033% of Microsoft Security Requirements and Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection clients were affected by viruses which were not recognized during the analyze and in addition to that, 94% of the viruses examples not recognized during the analyze didn't effect our customers.

According to Windows own analysis, Security Requirements obstructed a near-perfect 99.997% of zero-day strikes. While there could be concerns concerning the credibility of examining their own products, Microsoft's data is based off of real-world results.
Honestly, I'm a bit confused why Microsoft addressed the AV-Test research in the first place. Its Security Requirements is the master of the hill when it comes to market share 26.7% of North America states, according to OPSWAT, so it obviously that it has the support of its clients.
However, people really like Security Essentials, and this is shown by those who provided great insight on why that is the way it is, and the reason why an antivirus shouldn't be measured based solely on its ability to block zero-day attacks: Anyway this is a decision you’ll have to make for yourself.
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