
Webroot Update have experienced BSOD aka the Blue Screen of Death

Thousands of corporate computers have experienced BSODs after a Webroot update went live. 

Webroot went out on February 2nd and a cavalcade of computers have experienced the trademark BSOD aka the Blue Screen of Death with the error 0x50 PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA. Experts believe that the update is allowing the antivirus software to permeate the memory in a way that it shouldn’t be, thus causing the kernel to error. The machines that have been reduced to this state have largely been unable to boot up properly without a workaround, if at all.

Webroot has issued a “sincere apology” to all users experiencing the issue while also claiming that “for most of our millions of customers, the service has run as normal”. They quickly released a Webroot SecureAnywhere Business update version to remedy the situation with another apology to anyone experiencing any issues.

While the BSOD errors were a major inconvenience to numerous customers, the new update appears to be doing its job and providing relief beyond what any workaround or previous solution could provide. Experts agree that it was odd that not all users were affected by the update but also agree that they are relieved the issue appears to be fixed at present.



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